iahsaa.org football schedules release schedule

This is definitely a tricky headline. Iahsaa.org is scheduled to release football schedules by July 15. Excerpt of press release from iahsaa.org follows:

“Since last spring, the schedules for 8-player through class 3A have been on our football web page. By July 15 we hope to have the schedules posted on the web by each week as we have for the last eight years.”

When the schedules are released, the analysis can begin. Which team has the toughest schedule? How do you know if a schedule is tough? How do you evaluate a team that has played no games?

This is an age-old question (one decade) for me. I hope to have some research done this month. Specifically:

    How well does last year’s team evaluation predict next year’s performance?
    How well does the team evaluation of 2005-2009 predict next year’s performance?

And there are numerous other possibilities: 40% last year, 60% average of past 5 years. You get the idea.

One week to go …
