August 2010 web statistics

All statistics presented exclude my clicks (to keep the linux numbers unbiased). All analysis is done on Fedora and RHEL. Webserver runs CentOS.

Operating Systems

Windows          79.3%
Machintosh OS X  15.6%
Unknown           2.5%
Blackberry        1.4%
Linux             0.9%
Unix              0.0%
Nintendo Wii      0.0%
Sony PlayStation  0.0%

Windows Detail:

Windows XP       45.6%
Windows Vista    21.1%
Windows 7        11.8%
Other             0.8%

Linux Detail:

Ubuntu           0.092%
Red Hat          0.093%
Gentoo           0.023%
Fedora           0.014%
Android          0.388%
Other/Unknown    0.262%
Total            0.872%


MS Internet Explorer      58.9%
Firefox                   20.6%
Safari                    11.5%
Google Chrome              3.8%
Mozilla                    2.0%
BlackBerry                 1.4%
Unknown                    0.7%
Android browser            0.4%
Opera                      0.1%
AppleSyndication (RSS)     0.1%
Others                     0.2%