Iowa Scores Project: 2024 Mid-Year

1. Year completion reports

I updated the color coding of the years in the overall project index page.


  • 100% completion 2000-present
  • At least 90% completion for each year 1990-present
  • At least 80% completion for each year 1986-present
  • At least 60% completion for each year 1958-present

2. Overall project completion thoughts


  • How many teams played high school football each year?
  • How many games did each team generally play?

2.1 For the first unknown, I am generally confident that the number of Iowa high school teams is complete for the period 1958-present. Prior to this, estimates are needed. I am using the following estimates to build a framework of estimates:

1900 – 200 teams
1905 – 320 teams
1906 – 160 teams
1921 – 320 teams
1924 – 350 teams
1933 – 313 teams
1940 – 300 teams
1950 – 360 teams
1960 – 420 teams

I have some concern that the estimate for the number of teams in the late 1920s and early 1930s may be low. However, I am relatively confident in the estimate of 80% complete for 1933; this leads of the 313 number.

2.2 For the second unknown, I have looked at the completed seasons of teams in various years and found the average number of games for these teams. Just like the previous section, this provides data to build a framework of estimates for games played per team.

1895 – 3.63 games per team
1900 – 5.86 games per team
1904 – 7.65 games per team
1924 – 8.20 games per team
1933 – 8.95 games per team
1937 – 8.56 games per team
1954 – 8.47 games per team
1964 – 8.18 games per team
1971 – 8.60 games per team

By these estimates, one can see that a local peak in games played per team happened around 1933. For example, in 1933 both Adel and Pocahontas played 12 games.

2.3 Overall completion estimate

So, after all this discussion of estimates, we arrive at this:

total game estimate: 188,782
total game results: 136,688
overall completion: 0.724

Headline: About 70% complete

Note: The total game results number of 136,688 is different than the 137,596 number below, based on the inclusion in the overall database of some early college football scores (Iowa colleges).

3. current totals

(2024-07-09 21:08)

145,548 game entries
137,596 game results
137,166 game scores
120,573 game scores with locations