Category: Iowa Scores Project

  • Iowa HS Football Score Database: 2022H1 update

    Iowa Score Project 107,173 schedule entries 104,373 game entries with scores 78,429 game entries with scores and locations 100,000 scores! ——————– If you have scores that you would like to contribute, please contact me at Score sets with dates and locations add significant value. ——————– The 1st half of 2022 is now complete. changes.2022H1.txt…

  • IAHS Football: count up to 100,000 This is the official count up to 100,000 game entries in the Iowa high school football database. 2022-01-29: 99,554 game entries (446 to go) 98,114 final scores (1886 to go) 69,505 games with locations Excitement is building!

  • Historical Football Scores – 2021 check-in

    I’ve continue to add scores to the historical database. Thanks to all who have contributed (I know I still have a great number of Clarion scores to integrate.) It’s great to receive good datasets of scores. The best submissions have dates and locations. ——————— The following teams have over 750 scores in the historical…

  • 1954 Iowa High School Football

    Major Update Details Teams: 299 Iowa High School 11-man teams 49 Iowa High School 6-man teams 12 JV teams (playing varsity games) 65 Non-IA teams 425 Total teams Scores: 1355 scores, 1219 scores with locations Conferences: 48 conferences Classification thoughts Who is eligible to be ranked #1? To be eligible for championship contention, that…