Category: Iowa Scores Project

  • Iowa Scores Project – Clarinda

    I added or updated 698 scores, Clarinda, 1893-1999. The Clarinda story starts in 1893 with a November game against the Clarinda Educational Institute. The local newspaper reports that the winner had 26 points. However, it is very unclear who won. Bedford and Clarinda played 5 games before the end of the season in 1898, Bedford…

  • 2022 Year End: Iowa Scores Project

    1. 2022 review 2022 saw lots of improvements. This is the first year that over 20,000 game entries were added to the database. 33,094 new or improved game entries 20,516 new game entries Improvements by teams: diffTeamCount.2021.txt Improvements by year: diffYearCount.2021.txt Hat tips: Jarren Wiersma 1,371 games Scott Mason 919 games Dan Krull 785 games…

  • Iowa Scores Project – Boyden-Hull Thanks to Jarren Wiersma for submitting 207 scores: 1965-1985: Boyden-Hull 1986-1986: Boyden-Hull-George 1987-1989: Boyden-Hull-George-Little Rock all with dates and locations, well done! Submission totals: 207 total scores 55 new unique scores 8 new locations to existing scores 3 score corrections to existing game entries Project totals: 118,222 game entries 114,157 scores  92,612 scores with…

  • Iowa Scores Project – Ida Grove

    I added or updated 806 scores, Ida Grove, 1899-1988. Ida Grove has several top-10 finishes in the yearly rankings, early in the the 20th century. A note: home-field advantage in the pre-IaHSAA days was routinely in the 6-9 point range. This can cause seemingly paradoxical ranking results, namely a 6 or 7-point win at home…

  • Iowa Scores Project – Maurice-Orange City

    Thanks to Jarren Wiersma for submitting 266 scores, Maurice-Orange City, 1959-1997, all with dates and locations, well done! 94 new unique scores 1 new scores to a existing missing-score game entry  20 new locations to existing scores 4 score corrections to existing game entries Project Totals: 117,160 game entries 113,293 scores  91,651 scores with locations