Iowa Scores Project – 1994 1995
Counts: http://ia.bcmoorerankings.com/fb/1994/ 353 Iowa HS teams 1700 game entries 1689 games with scores 1688 games with scores and locations http://ia.bcmoorerankings.com/fb/1995/ 354 Iowa HS teams 1699 game entries 1685 games with scores 1685 games with scores and locations Remaining improvements: Game score needed: 1995/09/01 Leon Central Decatur @ Garden Grove Mormon Trail Location needed: 1994/09/30 Sioux…
Iowa Scores Project – 1996 1997
Counts: http://ia.bcmoorerankings.com/fb/1996/ 357 Iowa HS teams 1723 game entries 1704 games with scores 1704 games with scores and locations http://ia.bcmoorerankings.com/fb/1997/ 358 Iowa HS teams 1718 game entries 1687 games with scores 1687 games with scores and locations Game score needed: 1997-10-03 Melcher-Dallas wins over Garden Grove Mormon Trail Hat tips: (total citations) Bud Legg: 150…
Iowa Scores Project – West Union
http://ia.bcmoorerankings.com/fb/comp/ I believe that the West Union schools are now about 99+% done. West Union 1900-1956 (151-174-38) North 1957-1984 (137-99-12) North Fayette 1985-2012 (222-66-0) North Fayette Valley 2013-present (82-44-0) Hat tips: Justin Heins, Activities Directory, North Fayette Valley Note: (1) This is still ongoing development on mid-game forfeits (how to display the winner AND get…
2024 Year End: Iowa Scores Project
1. 2024 review 25,701 new or improved game entries 15,469 new game entries Improvements by teams: diffTeamCount.2024.txt Improvements by year: diffYearCount.2024.txt As headlines: significant work was accomplished on Northwest Iowa, Lakes Conference, Lamoni, Marion, Riceville, and Urbandale. 2. Long-term projects 2.1 Additional reports The 1891 to 1910 time period has a lot of games where…
Iowa Scores Project – Postville
http://ia.bcmoorerankings.com/fb/comp/ I believe Postville is now 99+% complete. Postville (465-394-24) Hat tips: 636 Brent Moore 240 Bud Legg, iahsaa.org 97 Lance Ridpath Total counts: 155,849 game entries 146,450 game results 145,980 game scores 131,943 game scores with locations